
Trosolwg Wrench Llaw

Feb 02, 2022

Manual wrench is also called ordinary wrench. It is mainly used in ordinary life and work. Its use is relatively simple.  socket screwdriver, torque wrench, torque wrench, cross wrench, ratchet wrench, hook wrench, hexagon wrench, internal square wrench, manual clutch torque wrench, pipe wrench, T-type wrench, L-type wrench, trident wrench, crescent Wrench, oil drum wrench, tire wrench, spark plug wrench, filter wrench, combination wrench, other wrenches, etc. Torque wrenches are divided into signal wrenches, pointer wrenches and digital display wrenches.

Defnydd o wrench llaw

1. Dewiswch y wrench cyfatebol yn ôl nodweddion y caewyr wedi'u cau.

2. Tynhau, dal diwedd handlen y wrench gyda'ch llaw, a thynhau'n gadarn i gyfeiriad clocwedd; llacio, a throi'n wrthglocwedd.

Nodweddion Wrench Llaw

Gweithrediad syml, pris isel a dwyster llafur uchel.

Gwybodaeth sy'n gysylltiedig â diwydiant

Cynhyrchion cysylltiedig